Lace up for the holiday season in a fresh set of kicks with the Nike “Naughty Or Nice” Sneaker Pack plus Nike Sportswear to match. Mixing red, white and black across a matching assortment of sneakers, included in the collection are University Red and Black colorways in the Nike Air Max Plus and Nike Air VaporMax Plus, as well as a White, University Red and Black color scheme in the Nike React Presto, plus an all-red option in the Nike Air Max 270. Completing the look in time for Christmas and the holidays ahead are new Nike Sportswear styles to match the shoes, including hoodies, T-Shirts, jackets, pants and hats to hook. Take a closer look at the Nike “Naughty Or Nice” Sneaker Pack and matching clothing with links to shop the collection below.
Nike Air Max Plus “Black/University Red”
Nike Air Max Plus “University Red/Black”
Nike Air VaporMax Plus “University Red/Black”
Nike React Presto “White/University Red/Black”
Nike Air Max 270 “University Red/Black”
Nike Air Box Hoodie
Nike Just Do It Hoodie
Nike Club Hoodie
Nike Air Hoodie
Nike Air Hoodie
Nike Air T-Shirt
Nike Air T-Shirt
Nike Air Box T-Shirt
Nike Air Box T-Shirt
Nike Air 1/4-Zip Jacket
Nike Air Jacket
Nike Air Pants
Nike Futura Precurve Cap
Nike JDI Patch Precurve Cap
Nike Air Max Plus “Naughty Or Nice”