Here are some outfits to match the adidas Yeezy 500 “Stone Taupe” sneakers including adidas shirts and other clothing to wear with the kicks. Featured in the mix of matching fits are adidas Originals apparel styles in creamy white, beige and brown hues that pair well with the Yeezy 500 shoes including adidas T-Shirts, shorts, hoodies and pants to complete the look in colors that hook. Check out the “Stone Taupe” Yeezy 500 shoes plus adidas clothing and outfits that you can style them with below.
adidas Yeezy 500 “Stone Taupe”
adidas Adicolor Trefoil Hoodie
adidas Adicolor Trefoil T-Shirt
adidas Adicolor Adibreak Pants
adidas Adicolor Sprinter Shorts
adidas Trefoil Essentials Tank Top
adidas Trefoil Essentials Shorts
adidas Trefoil Essentials+ Dye T-Shirt
adidas Trefoil Essentials+ Dye Zip Sweatshirt
adidas Trefoil Essentials+ Dye Tank Top
adidas Trefoil Essentials+ Dye Woven Pants
adidas Trefoil Essentials+ Dye Woven Shorts
adidas Adicolor Seasonal Archive T-Shirt
adidas Adicolor Cutline Hoodie
adidas Adicolor Cutline Track Top