Here are all of the newest releases from the adidas Originals “Bold Gold” Collection including clothing and outfits to match adidas sneakers. Featured in the collection are retro apparel styles from adidas Originals in the golden yellow hue to hook with some of the latest adidas shoes including adidas Adicolor Trefoil and 3-Stripes T-Shirts, adidas Adicolor 3-Stripes Shorts and adidas Adicolor Classics Sprinter Shorts. As new styles continue to release they will be added to this list. Check out all of the latest adidas Originals Bold Gold clothing and shoes that are available to buy below.
adidas Originals Adicolor 3-Stripes T-Shirt
adidas Originals Adicolor Sprinter Shorts
adidas Originals Adicolor Trefoil T-Shirt
adidas Originals Adicolor 3-Stripes Shorts
adidas Puig “Crystal White/Bold Gold”